Licorice is a herbal medicine commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine, primarily utilizing its roots and stems. It has been found to have effects in relieving coughs, inflammation, and regulating gastrointestinal functions, as well as boosting immunity. Often used in combination with other herbs, licorice is considered an essential component of many traditional Chinese medicine formulas. However, caution is advised for those with high blood pressure or those who may consume excessive amounts, as licorice can raise blood pressure and have adverse effects.



Peony (Shakuyaku) is a traditional Chinese herb using its flowers and roots. It's bitter and classified as "cold" in traditional medicine. Primarily for women's health, it's believed to ease issues like irregular periods and menstrual pain. It's also used for anti-inflammatory and pain-relief effects in herbal formulas. However, caution is needed, as excessive or prolonged use can lead to digestive issues. Consulting experts and adhering to proper dosages is recommended.



Ma Huang is a traditional Chinese herb, mainly using its stems. It's bitter and categorized as "warm" in traditional medicine. Historically, Ma Huang has been used to relieve respiratory issues like colds and asthma. It contains ephedrine, which can dilate bronchial passages. Additionally, Ma Huang boosts metabolism and is sometimes used to aid weight loss. However, it can potentially cause excitement and anxiety, so proper dosage is crucial. People with conditions like high blood pressure or heart problems should avoid it. Expert guidance is recommended when using Ma Huang.

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